Wednesday, December 29, 2004
My Holiday Post-Mortem
Friday: Woke up fairly early, had crossants for breakfast (Mommom, my grandmother, got them from a local bakery). Went to Old Town for some shopping, lunch at Le Peep, and a few malls. Then went home and chatted with my cousin Amity and her boyfriend Brandon, and then all went out to dinner at Garbanzos, a Mexican place. YUM. Then we went to church at a Presbyterian church for Christmas Eve, then came home and saw my Aunt Rufina, Uncle Rich, and Rufina's niece Cecile who had arrived from Dallas and DC. Went for a Christmas Eve walk to see the luminaria. Albuquerque is known for its luminaria on Christmas Eve and my grandparent's neighborhood is one of the places on the official tour. It's so cool and I love being there for Christmas.
Saturday: Had brunch and opened stockings and presents at 10 AM. Rufina, Rich, and Cecile went to mass at 12:30, the rest of us relaxed. We all went for a walk along the Rio Grande (about 1/2 a mile from my grandparent's house) and it was a lovely day! Then we played an awesome game of dominoes and had a great Christmas dinner with pecan pie for dessert. YAY! Super fun day.
Sunday: Got up really early for a 9:30 family photo. This hysterical Italian photographer named Vinnie (just kidding, his name was Michael) came and took lots of pictures. I will publish if possible. Then we drove to Santa Fe for lunch at Geronimo, a great restaurant. Rich and Rufina have friends from England and this is their favorite restaurant in the states! I had a great salad, the best bread I've ever had, champaign, Elk tenderloin, and toffee cheesecake. And that doesn't even describe how good the meal was. Then we went to a famous chapel and to the town square in Santa Fe. YAY. Then back home and basically chilling and sleeping.
Monday: Oh my gosh, had to get up for breakfast at 7:45 before Amity and Brandon had to work. I was NOT feeling good about all of this getting up early... so hard on my body! So we did that and then went to Old Town one more time and then off to the airport. My flight from ABQ to Denver was fine, and then I volunteered to be bumped for a free ticket off my next flight (sound familiar?). It was a 5:35 flight, I was then confirmed first class on an 11:25 flight the next morning but I waited to see if I could get on a 9:08 PM flight that night. It was 15 people overbooked and I was 1/29 on the standby list. Since they won't take voluntters for a standby passenger to get on, that means 16 people had to not show up at all for me to get on the flight. Yeah right. But being stubborn (and don't forget tired) I waited it out... they asked for volunteers, but then they asked them to go ahead and board which meant they weren't too overbooked. At the end they thought 2 people didn't get on... but they found one ticket and paged the other person and she came running up. I was so tired that I cried when I didn't get on, and the gate agent looked so sad for me because she knew I wanted to get on. The thing that killed me was the 9:08 flight was pushed back to 10:30 because the flight before was late leaving Orange County, and at least 4 people showed up in that 82 minute period. Which means I would have made it if the flight left on time. Poor Vin and Russ and my mother had to endure all of my crabbiness, but I did get to catch up with Adds and Erin on the phone, that was nice. I tried to hide my crabbiness from Adds and Erin and Russ, but Russ TOTALLY picked up on it. Tells you something about how wells he knows it. Vin and my Mom I didn't even play games with. I'm going to stop being emotional around Vin, he HATES it. :-) For serious. But that's another story entirely.
Tuesday: Finally got home... had an AWESOME flight, very relaxing and enjoyable, then saw an engineer I work with in the airport. Then I got on the Max (Portland train) and saw 2 NU IE grads! Super funny. Then Vin picked me up at the airport. He kidnapped me to his house, so I took a nap and a shower there, then we went out to a really nice dinner. I love "Italian nights" because we drink wine and he acts all chivalrous (he was even joking about that). Then we went to Bed Bath and Beyond and chatted it up forever and hysterical stuff. I even did circle circle square square, spiders crawling in your hair, tight squeeze, cool breeze, now you've got the chills. Yeah, he thought I was as crazy as you do.
Wednesday: Got the oil changed in Jake, then went to Target, Michaels, and Office Depot for a shredder and to look at scrapbooking stuff. Then to Chipotle, then home for lunch and to shred stuff and attempt unpacking / cleaning. Then I tried sleeping and then woke up, had a snack, and went to work.
Tomorrow I will try to get up by 4 so that I can spend a few hours with Vin before he leaves until the 10th. Kinda stinks because I get less sleep and my apartment will remain a huge mess. Adds is coming up (I hope) for New Years and I think we're going to go to a party at my co-worker Doug's house. YAY that will be fun. Kristie wants me to do something with her but she was invited to Doug's too so maybe she'll go. Just today I got 3 different New Year's proposals, YAY I feel popular. Which is good because all too often I feel so lonely in Portland. I miss Keithers.
Speaking of lonely, I did a lot of reflection and thinking while gone. I think I'm going to do even more in the next 10 days while Vin is gone. I definitely am planning on a fun weekend with Adds, and then shopping on Monday and hiking on Tuesday or the other way around depending on the weather. I definitely want to get some hiking in because I want to start getting in shape for the spring/summer when I can do some more serious climbs. I'm also going to have to spend time biking (for endurance), doing stairs (for climbing), and running (for general fitness) so that I can become more hardcore. Gee, my favorite things. If only I just wanted to swim. So that's my goal and I'm super excited. But hiking will give me lots of time to think which will be super nice. Then I'll have a 4 day work week, then just a Sunday alone and then Vin comes home. Sounds like a good deal to me!
I haven't been commenting in people's blogs lately -- but I still read them. And I added Julius to the list, so hopefully I'm not one of the people he doesn't want to read it. :-/ But yay for blogs.
I have decided to make what I think will be the first New Year's Resolution of my life: go hiking more. My reasons for this are threefold:
1. See the beautiful Northwest
2. Learn to be a better hiker so that I can climb Rainer
3. Get in shape
YAY for hiking. :-)
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
So WOW it's been a while... when I'm not in Oregon I sort of forget about the blogging. Here's the lowdown:
Saturday -- Travelled almost the whole day. Left work about 5:30 AM (after a REALLY good conversation with a co-worker) and got the awesome Vin to drive me to the Max station. Got to see the sun rise over Mt. Hood, then took my flight to the lovely O'Hare International Airport. Oh how I love Chicago. And it was just a classic Chicago wintery day. YAY. Then my flight to Cedar Rapids was about an hour late (that makes 2/2 for Iowa) but I got home. Saturday night I slept a LOT because I had been up since basically 3:30 PM on Friday, with a little plane sleep in there. I also went to my beloved Panera with my mom, which I've been wanting for a long time. Soooo good.
Sunday -- Slept in super late. Yikes. Then my sister and dad and I tried to go out for Thai but the Thai places were closed and it was getting late and she had to be at work, so we went to the food court in the mall - biggest mall in Iowa, yee haw! Then my dad and I came back home and I definitely took ANOTHER nap. Then my mom and I went to Target and on a secret Christmas mission and then picked my sister up. Then my mom made me guacamole and chile con queso... her Texas specialities! YAY for my Texan roots... 5th generation Texan right here peeps! Then my sister and I got an "early Christmas present" -- season 7 of Friends for her and season 8 for me. I now officially have all of the seasons that have been relased. Once I have 9 and 10 my collection will be complete. So we watched that the rest of the night.
Monday -- Saw my sister's apartment for the first time... SO CUTE. It's right in downtown Iowa City and is just awesome. I really like it a lot! Then we actually went out for Thai food, yumalicious. Only not so much, definitely there is better Thai to be had in Oregon. Oh well. Then my sis and I went on some secret shopping missions for our parents and then to see Oceans 12. DEFINITELY not that great of a movie. Oh well, I wasn't expecting it to be. I got to have a super fun day with the lil sis though! Then we came home and had steak and twice baked potatoes... YUM YUM YUM. My mom's steak is one of my favorite foods in the WORLD. YUM. Then more Friends!
Tuesday -- Went to Panera again (I need to go like 8 times while I'm here), and then went and visited Christine at work. Then went to various random stores at the mall with my mom. Then we went to this wine store (really a grocery store with a good wine and beer selection) that actually had wine from a vineyard I've been to in Oregon. I was impressed. And they had beer from a brewery in Portland, but not a very amazing one as far as I'm concerned. I love Oregon. Anyway though and we went to a pretty cute scrapbooking store which I enjoyed, because you know me and the scrapbooking. With all of this free time (and being in IOWA) I really have wished that I had my scrapbooking stuff, but you can't take all of those scissors and stuff as a carry-on and I wasn't about to check it. Oh well... so then we came home and my mom made lasagna... yay. Seriously I love being home because it is super yum. Then we watched Friends and played dominoes, and anyone who knows me knows I'm into the dominoes. So yeah, it's been a good day. I need to work on wrapping Christmas presents and packing for New Mexico tomorrow.
So the lowdown... I miss Portland. As much as I say I hate it and have no friends, I so DO have actually a pretty good amount of friends. Being on shift actually is reasonably hard in terms of having time for people, but when/if I'm on shift 4 (the front half of the week) I'll have TONS more time to be able to see friends on weekends and my two really good girlfriends are on shift 4 so I can see them more too. So I'm totally praying for that to happen sometime in 2005. And I love all that there is to do in Portland... the coast, the gorge, the vineyards, Seattle, the breweries, the movies, PCG, Corvallis, scrapbooking, hiking, the river, etc. Some of that isn't Portland-exclusive but I think the point is it's really starting to feel like home. And that makes me smile. I guess in the best of all worlds my parents would still live in Chicago and I could see all of my friends and family at the same time, but a co-worker told me the other day "you win some, you lose some". It really humbled me, because I tend to get really mad and upset when things aren't just my way. I don't just accept how true that statement is... we don't get everything handed to us on a silver platter in life, so the sooner we learn to just chill and accept that, the better off we are. So I'm trying to accept that, and I know that soon enough I'll visit Chicago and see everyone that I so miss and love. :-)
If I don't blog until then, Merry Christmas everyone. I really do miss and love you all.
Friday, December 17, 2004
Nothing kewl
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
The Great Condo Hoax
I went in this morning and got my teeth fixed up... he took the gauze out forever, which means it hurts more but now can officially start to heal, which I think is a good thing. Hopefully it really will heal and I will be a happy girl! :-) Ummmmmm other than that, I think I'm just chillin'. I'm going to try to put some good music on my iPod and then get some sleep in anticipation of my big 3 day work week... and then glorious 10 day vacation. :-)
Anyway, last night I watched The Day after Tomorrow at Vin's, which was fine but the second time I've seen it. It was sad because I won't see Vin again until after Christmas... boo to that. :-( Unless he's nice enough to take me to the airport at 6:30 AM Saturday, but he's already spent too much time awake in the middle of the night when I call him in pain.
Monday with Patrick was way fun. We had a great breakfast at Hale's in the morning, then went to Tillamook for an afternoon of cheese and ice cream and the Pacific Ocean. Good times. Boo to the rain, that was not the cool part of it. I definitely did not appreciate that. Then we went to Widmer and Patrick had the sampler, so he now knows exactly what types of beer he likes and doesn't like (he likes ambers and hates IPAs, just like me!). Widmer is the best for learning your beer tastes, and then you feel like you at least know something after that. Same with going to the wine tastings at the vineyards, it helps make you more knowledgable. So after that we went to Vin's to drop off this mug he's been wanting from Widmer for 2 years that I finally got for him, and then we went to Old Chicago for beer for Vin and Patrick and dessert for me. :-) Yum. It was a SUPER night. Well, not really because my mouth was really hurting so I was whiney, but in theory it would have been a super night. Check Patrick's blog for the low-down on Vin.
And I think that's all... I'm going to work on the iPod now. Catch y'all on the flip side.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
The Dual Blog
Patrick woke up, went to the airport at like freaking 4 in the morning or some nonsense. Kelly slept until almost 10 and was almost late picking up Patrick. So I picked him up at 11. Then we went to Burgerville. Patrick had a delicious Tillamook cheeseburger and Kelly had a shake and fries. Then Patrick got to drive the Jake. We went to the Nike Factory Outlet and Patrick got some shiny silver kicks -- tax free!! Then we went looking at houses. Townhomes / condos, actually. All of the realtors thought we were a young married couple with a dual income, however Patrick has no income. We put a down payment on a condo. It was the one that was only $109,000, one bedroom reduced from $125,000. Stainless steel kitchen and granite countertops, and they paid $3500 toward our closing costs. Then we came back here and chilled. Actually I'm lame and needed a little jaw rest so Patrick watched the televisor while I didn't talk. Then we went to the Portland City Grill and had beer and a variety of different appetizers, some of which were delicious. Here's the ranking, for Patrick: tuna, tenderloin, brushetta, chicken. Kelly: brushetta, tenderloin, chicken, tuna. Now we're trying to think of something to do so I'm making Patrick blog. But he's not being funny enough. So I'm going to go beat him. BAM!
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Commenting on the comments
Second of all, I'm NOT PUFFY at all... everyone thinks I'm all chipmunky and I wasn't. I iced for like an hour or two the first day right away, and that was it. I was never swollen at all. Just in lots of pain. And it's weird cause it's pain like up through my jaw and ears and stuff. It feels like someone punched me REALLY HARD on both sides of my face. Does that make sense?
And Adds and Em, thanks for babying me. :-) Online is better than nothing!
Reporting on nothing
Also, Patrick was nice enough to delay his trip for one day, which is nice because it's let me have some time to recover a little bit and hopefully I'll be better off for his trip. I'm really excited and hope that I can be fun for him.
I guess that is all for now. Not a fun update... just telling about my yuckiness, probably in too much detail... oh well. Goodnight.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
My teeth hurt
Monday, December 06, 2004
Here's the weekend:
Saturday we went wine tasting. Super fun. I really had a good time, and finally I have some wine at my apartment! Now I feel like I'm seriously a real adult! I didn't sleep in the morning after work so I fell asleep about 9 PM Saturday night. The wine probably helped in that process as well. But yeah I'm really big on these Oregon vineyards now, I'll have to go again. Let me know if you want to join me!
Sunday we went to breakfast in the morning, then we went to Lowes, Home Depot, Target, and Big Lots to get bins and stuff so I could organize his office. I did and it looks way better! He has some papers he needs to go through but that's not so bad. Then Sunday night as a treat he took me out to Portland City Grill as a "thank you" if you will. Oh how I heart the PCG. :-) Patrick and I will definitely have to go there next weekend.
It was just a super good weekend... we had a lot of fun and I was happy. Haven't been so happy in a month or so... the whole "funk" I'm in, ya know? So it was good and Vin gets major bonus points for cheering me up.
Tooth update:
They hurt, a lot. I thought everything was great but that was still when the local anesthetic hadn't worn off yet. Now that it has I'm feeling NOT SO HOT at all. So poo on that. :-(
Yays and Nays:
Nay to wisdom tooth extraction
Yay to Vicodin
Nay to my wireless being down and having nothing Tivoed for the weekend
Yay to still having the OC, the Apprentice, and a few other shows from last week to watch
Nay to pain
Yay to milkshakes
Okay I'm not good at yays and nays... I'm not in the mood to do it right now, because my teeth hurt. And plus I'm not sure I can live up to Addy's fabulous yays and nays. Perhaps I will try again later!
Quicky update
So they were just like starting and I was like "umm is there going to be nitrous oxide?" and he was like "oh, do you want it?" So I'm glad I said something. I don't think he realized how scared I was until he really got started and I was so tensed up and crying my eyes out. I wasn't trying to but getting the shots REALLY hurt especially on the inside of my mouth. But his assistant was so nice and held my hand and talked to me and I swear she saved the day. I really really liked her.
Haha Emily just IMed me and goes "are you going to blog while numb?" And I'm like yeeeeeah I am! Okay no more. I need to lie down now, and I'm using two computers (one to blog, one to IM, long story) so I'm going to say goodbye. More tonight I promise.. Well I don't promise cause I don't know how I'll feel, but soon enough.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Quick Update
Blogs to come...
- Details on my day yesterday
- Information about my new business
- Yays and Nays
Thursday, December 02, 2004
It's a good day... and a bad day.
It's also a good day because I talked to my friend Joel from UPS... it was good to catch up. We made sure we had each other's current numbers and are going to talk on the phone soon. He's one of those quality people that just makes you smile and miss him every time you talk to him. It's also a good day because Vinnie came over to cheer me up, and that was just super sweet of him. I have some serious weekend plans, which include wine tasting and salsa dancing on Saturday, then cuddling and organizing (which I love) and church (which I really love) on Sunday. And MAYBE Portland City Grill for happy hour Sunday, woo hoo! Those things just all make me happy.
Do you think I could start a business as a professional organizer? Have you ever seen the show Clean Sweep? I'd be like that... people would hire me that just have some sort of a messy or unorganized situation going on, and I'd swoop in and make it awesome for them. I do it to my parent's house all the time... not that they're messy, but after moving they still had some unpacking and stuff to do so I swoop in and do a great job of organizing it. And I LOVE organizing, I find it relaxing and fun. But honestly, do you think that could be an actual business? I see potential but I'd appreciate feedback.
It was a bad day because I slept from 8:30 - 9:30 but then I woke up because my stalker called me like they do 4 or 5 times a day. Then for some reason I went into this big melodramatic fit which I carried on with myself for about the next 5 hours. I don't know what my deal was. I was like I hate Oregon, I have no friends here, I want to move back to Chicago, etc. I talked to Vin and Patrick about it and they were both like chill out. I think I'm just getting excited about going home for Christmas and the anticipation is killing me. I guess I'm just in a little funk. Hopefully I'll snap out of it and get on with my life soon. :-) I'm cheered up just being at work, I'm one of those people who can just go to work and feel much better about things, which is great.
YAY for updates
The best part was seeing Jenni's comment on Ryan's blog, meaning that I'm bringing together the world of bloggers. His entry was about his new car and quite interesting. He said he doesn't have heated seats and that he's anti heated seats, so I left this comment -- "Congrats on the new car. I was always VERY creeped out by heated seats too. But they came on Jake (just kind of one of those "it was an option on the car they had that had every other option I want" deals) and I'm ADDICTED. I used to make fun of my ex (before he was my ex) because in Southern California when it'd get to be 50 or 60 in the mornings he'd have them on. But I do the same thing... those chilly Oregon mornings where it's 40 or 50, they're on. Don't know how I could live without them anymore. "
Jenni's blog was about who she would kill if she could kill anyone, so I don't really know what to say to that one.
Emily's blog was AWESOME because it had a shoutout to me in it, YAY. It was also just interesting overall because she talks about liking to shop when no one else is shopping, which is clearly my favorite thing to do especially because I have Mondays and Tuesdays off so I can get away with that. So that just made me excited. And she talked about how she's bummed about being a grown-up, which I go through all the time. I'm like super excited sometimes but sometimes it really does just sorta suck. Especially because it's so hard to make really good new friends so you just sort of feel like you're lost in the world.
Addy's blog was quite entertaining. It got me all excited about Dave. I miss Dave and can't wait 'til he's back, especially for Addy's sake. And then she talked about Keith's birthday which so made me miss Keith. I don't get to talk to him nearly enough anymore. :-( And Addy's blogs just make me laugh because Addy makes me laugh.
So I guess we're going wine tasting and working on Vinnie's house this weekend. He's upset for some reason, I don't know why. I don't think it has to do with me but I'm just giving him space. Not sure if I'll see him this weekend or not, but that's the plan. I might go salsa dancing with some people Saturday night too, I need to see about that and who's going and stuff.
Then for the Kelly weekend I have a lot of stuff I should get done but I'm not sure if I'll be able to since I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled... any tips?
And Kendra was in my class today (yes I worked all day and I'm working tonight) so I got to see her which was GREAT, plus her husband is going to pick me up after my wisdom tooth appointment Monday. Awesome.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Not too much to say...
Post-Thanksgiving Wrapup
Thursday night I had one of the scariest dreams I've had in a long time. I was at my apartment... only outside it was definitely my house in Palatine. Cause there was a front lawn and everything, only it was definitely my apartment inside. Weird. But this guy came and each night while I was in there sleeping would take something from my house/apartment and put it outside in the front lawn. The first night it was an old Tivo (not like the one I have) and he left it there. I thought nothing of it because I didn't know it was mine (although it was, but I don't own that in real life). The second day he got my attention though because my Tivo (the one I really have) was there with it. So I took them both and put them inside. Then the third day it was both Tivos and something else. It was freaky. And then I'd wake up in the middle of the night and start to hear him and wonder what he was taking, but I'd stay in my room and hope he wouldn't come in there. He never really stole, he just put stuff outside. And he never came in my room. It was just very psychologically scary!! Yiiiikes.
Then Friday I was crabby ALL DAY. Don't know what my problem was, but Vinnie had come over to hang out (we were going to cook leftovers) and I was like temper-tantrum girl to him the whole time. Ugh. So then I decided to go to bed (which was good 'cause I had to work that night) and I told him to just let me know when he was leaving so I could lock the door. Well, being the sweetest person in the world, he just stayed and worked on his computer the whole time I was sleeping so he didn't have to wake me up. Then he cooked dinner. So that was definitely way nice and undeserved.
Today I just slept all day, had a baked potato for dinner, cleaned my kitchen (it was SO GROSS), payed some bills, etc. Now I'm at work of course. And tomorrow morning as mentioned we're going wine tasting. Hopefully I'll get some sleep in in the morning before we go! :-)
Tis all for now. More soon. Especially more analysis of my "independence".
Thursday, November 25, 2004
What Nonsense...
So here's the scoop: I went to bed around 11 PM Tuesday night (Remicade always makes me tired, so it's understandable). I woke up around 7:30 AM Wednesday morning thinking "I should get up, it's been 8 hours and I have things to do, but I'll just sleep another hour or two". Woke up next at 3:00 PM. That's right folks, I slept 16 hours. That's enough sleep for TWO NIGHTS. How in the world does that happen? Oh well, I'll let it pass I suppose. :-) Just meant that instead of taking my afternoon nap in the afternoon I took it all morning and half the afternoon. I was definitely good to go for night shift tonight! So at 3:00 I got up, went to Furniture Depot to see Carl and my "fixed" table. It looked okay but still pretty shady... so I made a deal with him that I'd get this table now and he'd order me a new one. Apparently they're in stock now so I should have the new one fairly quickly. Also, he likes my table so much that he's going to start having it as a showroom model, so that's exciting! (I'd only seen it in the catalog beforehand) So anyway, I told him I needed it before 6:30 because that's when I leave for work. Then I went to the grocery store to get a few things for my green bean casserole, then went home to do some random stuff. Oh, I stopped by Starbucks on my way home for some coffee, and the guy was like "HEY, how are you?!" like we're best friends. Granted I've seen the guy a couple of times before but didn't know he was all about me. So now I must go back soon! About 6:10 the table guys still hadn't come so I called Carl and was like "WHAT'S THE DEAL?" The driver was "stuck in traffic" so luckily my darling Vinnie came over to wait for me. HUGE THANKS to him... I totally owe him. So he says my table is there and fine... I have no idea what it looks like in my apartment. He didn't seem all about it so hopefully it's actually okay. He hates light wood so perhaps that is part of the problem. We'll see. I'll report back tomorrow... and hopefully I'll post some pictures sometime in the next week (maybe on the Kelly weekend).
For Thanksgiving since the vineyards are actually closed (we were GOING to go wine tasting, but to no avail) we're going to have fondue instead! We're both making our favorite Thanksgiving dish (me the green bean casserole and him sausage stuffing) and then we're having steak, chicken, and veggie fondue with several sauces that I'm making. I'm SO SO SO excited. I can hardly wait... only 3 more hours of shift so that is AWESOME! :-) It's not like we need "side" dishes for the fondue, but we both have our Thanksgiving favorites so we're eating them. I seriously can hardly wait though. It's going to be the best Thanksgiving ever. I told my mom and she said she wished she could come to my Thanksgiving instead of hers. We had fondue one Thanksgiving and it was definitely my favorite so far, so we'll see if this one passes it. I'm going grocery shopping for all that we don't have this morning and Vin is bringing over wine and pie. So it should be fabulous. Like I said, I'm super excited. :-) Every time I think about it I get even more excited.
So have a lovely Thanksgiving everyone and I will report back hopefully sometime tomorrow night. :-)
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Table, teeth, and Remicade update
My tooth appointment was good, got the sealants fixed up and I'm good to go.
Got some good scrapbooking done today... my pages are looking better because of all of my fun new Creative Memories tools!
The Remicade was good... for those who were wondering, Remicade is the medicine I take for my Crohn's. I get it every 8 weeks as an IV at the hospital. It takes about 2 hours and it's AMAZING. I had a really bad flare up and was in the hospital about 2 and a half years ago, and they pretty much tried every other drug they can try. They finally went to Remicade (the most extreme Crohn's medicine) and it did the trick! :-) I've been in remission for about 27 months on it, so hopefully that will continue. I'll post a whole thing explaining about my Crohn's some other time.
That's all for now... off to Bible study with my friend from work (he's letting me come to his since mine doesn't start back up until January!!!)
So onto the table info... GRRRRRR!!! So they brought the tables, and my table was BROKEN. I kid you not, the dining room table I've waited for since AUGUST 6th was BROKEN when it arrived on NOVEMBER 22. Does that nearly 1/3 of a year strike anyone else? And they only brought 2 dining room chairs instead of 4, though I guess it doesn't really matter at this point. But I happily have my coffee table, 2 end tables, and 2 dining room chairs. I'm going to go talk to my good buddy Carl Wednesday to see what he can do to remedy this tragic situation! So much for eating Thanksgiving dinner at my house...
Today I watched ABC Extreme Home Makeover, scrapbooked, made zucchini bread, saw Bridget Jones, hung out with Kristie, and took about a 3 hour long nap. And that's about all the excitement in my life. Tomorrow I aspire to be more productive, but I have my sealant fixing at the dentist office and then my Remicade to look forward to. So I'm not so sure about productive other than taking care of my dental and health needs. :-) I'll keep you updated on how that goes. YAY for the return of people's blogs after what seemed to be a very long weekend!
Monday, November 22, 2004
The Table Saga
Sooo... the table guy (Carl) said we were getting close when I called him on October 29. He had my coffee table and end tables in, just waiting on the dining room table which is the one I really want. (if you haven't read the story before, the tables were all stuck on boats in the Port of Long Beach because it takes a long time to get through security. There were hundreds of boats stuck there, so mine just had to move to the front! So I was like YAY, this is good, they'll be coming soon. So lalala, time goes on, and I'm just waiting for him to call. Friday I get a LETTER in the MAIL saying "Kelly, been trying to call but I get a 'disconnect'. Your tables are in so give me a call so I can deliver them. Carl" WHAT?! He's had my number since August 6 and he's called me multiple times before. So I give him a call and he has had the tables for a few weeks! So if only I'd called him the week after Halloween I would have had them, but oh well. He also had my Chicago phone number with a Portland area code (don't know how or why he switched the area code in his records, but oh well). So they are being delivered today and I can't WAIT!! Then I can finally take and post some long awaited pictures of my apartment! :-) Expect that in the next week or so. Hopefully sooner rather than later!
And now I must go begin my rigorous daily schedule which begins with watching ABC Extreme Home Makeover, followed by making zucchini bread and scrapbooking, a short trip to the theatre with Kristie to see Bridget Jones Diary, and finished with me making dinner for Kristie and/or Vin to eat on my BRAND NEW TABLES!!!
Back home
This morning we made the trip to Costco... oh my. I always feel like I shouldn't join Costco, but sometimes I think I should just because there are *some* good things there. It's definitely a great place to buy meat, wine, and paper products. Other things are debateable. But it was fun anyway. Then I went home and got a LOT of work done around the house! Lots and lots so that was really great. Then I went to church... by far one of the best services I've been to in a long time. It was on "The State of the Church" so it was really good. I was happy. Then I went to Vinnie's house for dinner. SO GOOD. We decided to make chicken but we had to let it marinate, so we decided to go grocery shopping (for other stuff, just in general) while that was happening. We got lots of good groceries (seperately) and then he made YUMMY YUMMY teryaki chicken and a teryaki noodle side dish (actually I made that) and it was GREAT. We watched Shrek 2 while we ate and then had pecan pie that he bought at Costco. GREAT NIGHT. Seriously so much fun.
I had something so interesting that I was going to blog about that I thought the masses would find interesting, but now I can't remember. Maybe tomorrow...
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Visiting the Addy!
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Soo much blog fun
Sooooooo fun. :-) They are all quite interesting. But the sad thing is that blogs have taken the place of actually interacting with people on a regular basis. It's like it went from in person to on the phone to AIM to away messages to blogs. Tears. BUT I think we have a ray of hope in the world through commenting and responding to other people's blogs on our own blogs. I love my comments and I TRY to comment on other people's blogs, though I'm not always the best at it. I'm working on it.
To respond to Jenni's comment: keep commenting, my life is crazy and I realize that. And I changed from pink because I thought it was too hard to read. If you really don't think it is, I can change back to pink I guess but I'm trying to do something for the greater good.
And to fill you all in on Craigslist boy, we talked for an hour and a half last night. It was one of those conversations that goes late into the night and you have so much to talk about and you don't ever want it to end. So that was excellent. I hope to meet him this weekend. I have so much to say about him but I'm trying NOT to analyze him in my head so if I start writing it in my blog that will first require doing it in my head so I'm just going to not do it all together! :-)
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
The Vin Saga: Part Two
Woah woah woah, before you FREAK OUT, let me explain why I'm not *quite* as fickle as it seems. Last night I stayed up all night thinking... I wasn't trying to, but I had to proofread Vin's paper, then I wrote Heather a GREAT long email (at least I thought it was great, it definitely made me think a lot), then I had a quiet time. But then I couldn't sleep for an hour or two after that, so I did a lot of thinking. I just didn't feel right about the whole breakup... I told Vin when we broke up that "this isn't the end of our story" and he said "maybe our story is to be best friends", but I didn't fully believe that. I realized last night that I want what I had always wanted... to be dating. I didn't want to act like we were married, I didn't want no space, I didn't even want to be so committed to dating only him. I wanted to explore the possibility of a relationship with him and see what happened. I planned it out perfectly in my perfect little head like I always do... and then came back down to earth and realized there's no way in the world that would happen.
So tonight he was like "what are we doing for dinner" because clearly we're incapable of eating alone. So we went to this fabulous little Thai place in Beaverton and had a wonderful meal there. As he said, the place had ambiance and would be a great place to take a date. We were flirting during dinner and have a generally good time. It wasn't at all meant to be a date but it sort of turned into a date, so on the way home I told him my little plan. He was like "what the heck are you talking about?" but once I explained it a few times, it made since to him. The only thing that's interesting is that there has to be the possibility of a future (read: marriage) sometime in the future in order for me to even ever-so-casually dating someone. So we talked about this, and he was like "yeah, it's probably not probable... but it never is... but anything is possible." He has this theory that your odds of actually marrying any one particular person are minute (which is true... think of how many relationships you've had, add one, and that becomes the denominator. The numerator is 1... and those are the BEST odds you have of getting married in your next relationship... clearly we're assuming you're single now). Okay we're math people... we're dorks. But anyway, as long as we've determined that the possibility is still there, I can so handle this and it's very much what I want.
Addy FREAKED OUT when I told her this and didn't seem too happy. I haven't had a chance to talk with her more tonight, since I went out with Kristie and Anna. I think she's freaking out because if the reason we broke up is really that important to us, it doesn't seem that logical that we would be dating. But it goes along with my whole really thinking about that whole Christian/non-Christian dating thing and how I still refuse to believe it's not possible. So as I continue to explore that I will continue to date Vinnie, though not exclusively, and see where it takes me. When and if I see a dead end, I will clearly define that with him and no longer pursue a relationship with him. I hope this makes some sense to you skeptics. :-)
As far as the non-exclusive piece... I've been talking to this guy from Craigslist (don't hate, don't hate) and I REALLY like him. I know, it's really easy to like a guy online. He's going to call me tonight, so we'll see what happens. He's a law student but I think we might get together this Friday or Sunday to have coffee or something. It's a small world too because a friend of mine from work went to high school with him! The work guy's sister even dated the Craigslist guy "back in the day". It's so weird. Buat anyway, so I'm going to try to get together with him.
I'll keep you posted on the ongoing saga, epic adventure... of Kelly's love life. :-) (and of COURSE of American History!!!!!!!!)
Quick shoutout and random "God" stuff and a note to all of you
----------- This part is about God and optional but if you don't read it read again below the dashed lines. --------------
A few thoughts that made me smile last night and today:
I get a Bible verse sent to me every day, and it comes in the middle of the night. Last night after Vin went home I was like "God, I know you're going to make it an amazing verse tonight" and it was "He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us." 2 Corinthians 1:3, NLT. To me that was THE MOST COMFORTING thing in the world, and right when I needed it.
Then today I was thinking about this song that I always used to listen to when Julius made me sad, because it always made me smile. It's sort of an unpopular song and NEVER played on the radio (like literally I've never heard it on the radio). Later this afternoon I turned on the radio and after like 5 minutes THAT SONG came on. How awesome is that?
And that, ladies and gentleman, is why God has my whole heart. :-)
So I realize that God/Jesus/Christianity has been a big topic on this blog as of late, but I'm not trying to discourage any of you from reading it because of that. It's just ME and this happens to be my blog. I have a pretty personal relationship with God and so it doesn't end up on the blog much (especially because I know my readership is so diverse and I want to keep it that way!!!!!!!!). But it was an important part of my breakup with Vinnie and I wanted to share that with all of you. It's been a big topic in almost all of my conversations today so it was on my mind, and I wanted to share some stuff with my readers who are Christian. But I just want you to know that I am conscious of it and I should be going back to my regularily scheduled "non-partisan" blogging tomorrow. :-)
And one more thing... it really is SO nice not to be dating someone, because I can stay up as late as I want and I have time for myself. I so need time for myself... I love emailing and IMing and talking on the phone to all of you and already in the past few days I've had more time to do that!! :-) (Plus I have made more time to do it, which is what I SHOULD be doing!!!)
No real update tonight...
Monday, November 15, 2004
The Vin Saga
Just as a warning, this will be somewhat personal and perhaps reflective, so if you don't want to hear the "drama" and my reflection, don't read this!
Anyway... kind of some history, which as Vin and I learned tonight, matters! First of all, I told him in the very beginning that we should have been friends... I thought the relationship would be better platonically. He liked me though, so he wooed me and I was like "eh, whatever, I like guys who like me, this will work". Never thought anything so intense would happen. Then a week or so later I was kind of like "hey, we need some space" and he said "if we enjoy spending so much time with each other, I don't understand why we can't spend each and every minute of the day with each other". Whatever, dude. I don't care, and I have plenty of time to myself while you're at work, so whatever floats your boat. I found out tonight that he finally realized that those things were true... we are better off as friends, and you can't rush into a relationship like that. He said "you're way smarter than I am, and you know yourself way better than I know myself". Yup. (and all of this is not saying anything negative about him, I heart the boy, but it's just interesting)
So last Wednesday we had that good talk, kind of aired our grievances, etc. Then Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, he BARELY talked to me. He didn't come visit me at work, didn't meet me for dinner before work, talked on the phone only a little, sent only one email which sounded like he was irritated, etc. I knew something was up, just didn't know exactly what and didn't really worry. Today I woke up at 3 PM (ugh, I like to wake up closer to NOON on my first day off!) and gave him a call. He was like "thank goodness you're up, I can finally go get lunch now!" So we went to Red Robin for lunch, had a lovely meal, discussed the weekend. He said he was crabby because Bush won (I kid you not he's been crabby since the election) and was just really irritated with Christians in general. Then we came back to my apartment while he did work. He did work and I journaled and talked online and just relaxed. One thing I journaled was "God, I don't really understand why things aren't really going as well with Vinnie as they were before, are you trying to teach me not to date non-Christians?" Just kind of a thought, eh, whatever. So then, and I don't know how this happened, Vinnie and I got into this big long conversation!!! We were talking about all sorts of stuff and he was talking about Bush, etc, etc. and basically how stupid Christians are and whatnot (for the record, I happen to have voted for Kerry... Russ don't kill me if you read that). But anyway, that's irrelevant... so he's all "I don't think you're stupid, but you haven't personally tried to pass a law because of your own moral values". He also said that someone told him long ago that he gets too committed... meaning he tries too hard to make a relationship work, even when he shouldn't be. So I said "maybe we should break up... you sound like you're just too scared to do it because you want it to work, but it sounds like deep down inside that's what you know you want". We talked some more, talked about going to Barnes and Noble and he was like "it's open 'til 11, we can still break up and get back together 4 more times before then!" It was one of those nights where you kind of know you SHOULD break up but you don't really want to so you go back and forth just discussing. He said "what if I said I do think we're better off just being friends, because we can be best friends because you being a Christian doesn't effect our friendship"? I don't know what I said, but that was kind of just the moment. I cried. I got over it. I'm too rational to cry about anything for long. I kind of have this pattern when I'm upset about something: cry, then talk logically for a few minutes, cry, then talk logically for a few minutes. Then I give the brain-dump to Julius, who is patient enough for me always to listen. Vin just kind of sat with me while I talked to Julius, which was sweet of him. Then we decided we were going to be best friends. He made me promise, which I almost didn't, and then I realize that I'm in a position that I CAN be best friends with him.
We've probably always made more sense as friends, but we were both (and probably me moreso) in a position where we're alone in a new state that we're going to live in indefinitely but don't know anyone in. And we're both people that want to "have someone" to be around all the time (even though I haven't in 3 years) so it was "convenient". There were so many convenience factors to the relationship for me. I like him yes, but as he says he's nothing that I ever wanted. Which is weird, because the relationship seemed to WORK so well, but obviously it just wasn't meant to be. It's hard to explain at this point, my head is still in overdrive analyzing. The last two relationships I've had ended because of a single reason. For Doug, it was the distance that was a deal-breaker for him. For Vinnie, it was me being a Christian. Interesting that they both call the relationships "perfect except for _____". Guys seem to have these things that are just deal breakers. I look for the big picture, and for me neither of those things was a deal breaker. I don't know.
So Vinnie was way nice, and stayed at my apartment until 12:30 AM, even though he has to work in the morning. We just talked, and I kind of explained a lot about the way I feel about God that I'd been sub-conciously filterting before. Now I didn't care how it made him feel, so I just told him. I cried maybe once more, but since he left I haven't cried. I don't cry when I'm alone, because I have the time to think and be rational. Around other people sometimes I just feel like this "pressure" or something so I cry because I don't know what else to do. I don't know, that doesn't make any sense. So I don't know when I'll see him next, but I'm sure in the next couple of days sometime. He said he'll call me tomorrow, and he obviously will.
Random musings from the evening:
- He was kind of funny when he was like "how would we raise kids? You'd want them to be Christians, I'd want them to be atheists, and neither of us would even CONSIDER the other possibility!"
- I always talk to Julius whenever I'm super emotional. And he always listens. He's detached, but he's so patient with me. I know he thinks I'm crazy for it, but he has no idea how much I appreciate it. He lets me just give him the brain dump of all of the "heat of the moment" insanity, and then I tend to get over it. Thanks Julius. :-)
- I was way more upset about breaking up with Vinnie than I was about Doug.
- He said he's not sure how I can be a girl because I’m so put together and rational (when he was leaving and he hugged me goodbye, and I just hugged him back).
- We both wanted it to work, and yet he decided it couldn't. I find that interesting.
- He explained to me that he was a Catholic who became agnostic who became athiest, but when he met me he wanted so badly to believe that he became agnostic again. The past 4 days he talked to lots of his friends who made him realize that he's really athiest. (great.) He also said that he is depending on his friends to teach him about himself.
- He realized that I know myself very well and I'm very secure with myself and know what I need. Like I need reflection time about relationships and stuff so I'm very careful to take it. He wasn't as deliberate about that time until the past 4 days, so he ended up getting himself hurt because he let himself get too attached before he realized I'm not what he wants. That made me feel really good about myself, knowing that I know myself well enough to know what I need, how I work, and how to take care of myself.
- You can't be in a successful relationship with someone else until you know yourself well enough, and the only way to get to know yourself that well is to take the time to yourself!
- I still don't know exactly what God is teaching me, but no doubt he will show me. I don't believe he's teaching me not to date non-Christians, but we will see. Vin thinks it actually is a good idea that I date only Christians, which is the first time I've ever heard someone who's not a Christian say that.
Added this morning:
Just kind of amusing, I took myself out to breakfast this morning after my dentist appointment (whenever I'm sad or break up with a boy, which are not necessarily the same thing, including in this case, I spoil myself... I go shopping and generally tend to let myself do things I wouldn't do, like get breakfast by myself). So anyway, I'm just finishing up breakfast and I go "sooooooo good, so worth breaking up with Vinnie for". I said that to myself (or maybe Jake) but it was so funny for some reason, I just started cracking up. Maybe it's not funny when I repeat it back, but I found it quite amusing. Okay I'm done now. :)
100 Things About Me
100 Things About Me
1. I am very anti-pets (this stems from being allergic to most animals)
2. I'm a Christian (and I will never forget all of the God-talk Jenni and I had during tennis sophomore year of high school)
3. I like martinis... my favorites are cosmos and apple, or any from Portland City Grill
4. I adore red wine, especially since I've moved to Portland.
5. I was a cheerleader in high school.
6. I've lived in Houston, Chicago, Iowa City, and Portland
7. I'm a fifth-generation Texan, my great-great-grandfather was even a judge in the REPUBLIC of Texas.
8. I like preppy clothes... Banana Republic and J Crew are my faves.
9. I'm a Republican, but a very liberal Republican.
10. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie.
11. Iwent to Florida for spring break every year from kindergarten to sophomore year of high school except two.
12. I love playing X Box, but I only have 3 games and they're all at least 3 years old.
13. I have learned, especially recently, that I know myself VERY VERY well, better than most.
14. I love camping... both real camping and the "go to an RV park" kind.
15. I love Chinese food, but I really think Thai is the new Chinese.
16. I met James Van Der Beek when I was 17.
17. I'm obsessed with reading the message boards at Not the wedding related (WR) stuff, but the NWR postings on the Planning and Ettiqutte (P&E) board. They're all about the acroymns on the knot.
18. I get irritated when people use bad grammar, and even more irritated when they spell grammar grammer.
19. My favorite movie is The Saint.
20. I really love TV shows on DVD, even though they're probably one of the more pointless things in life. I need to get the new Tivo that is $400 but lets you record all of your Tivoed shows on DVD.
21. I've been driven in a stretch Hummer limo to many places in Chicago.
22. I was on the park district swim team from 5 - 8th grade.
23. I was "supposed" to be a lawyer, everyone else in my family is.
24. I love how close my sister and I are becoming.
25. I really like living alone, but even more than that I like having the "right" roommate... Michelle, Dena, Addy... I've been lucky roommate wise. :-)
26. I have been to 49 states.
27. Breakfast food is one of my favorite types of food, especially at Walker Brothers in Chicago.
28. I worked at a store called Card and Party Outlet for 3 years in high school.
29. I love technology.
30. I don't believe in love at first sight.
31. Lately I much prefer buying stuff for my house than new clothes.
32. I want to run a half-marathon one day.
33. I've wanted to get my tounge pierced since freshman year of college.
34. I've been in and out of love... but it's debatable about how many times.
35. I have Crohn's Disease.
36. I was a big fan of the 90's Chicago Bulls. Fair weather fan, if you will.
37. I love SUVs.
38. I absolutely adore my apartment.
39. I thrive on being around other people.
40. I have never been skinny dipping.
41. I like Chris Tomlin way too much, but not for the reasons you'd think.
42. My mom is the person I'm closest to in my life.
43. I can't STAND Oregon drivers.
44. I was a big fan of Hello Kitty in 7th grade when it was popular.
45. I've owned 2 cars. ('Scort and Jake)
46. Greek IV was by far my favorite college activity.
47. I had a crush on Joey Larocca from 5th grade probably through the end of high school.
48. I've never done a "beer bong" or "keg stand", but that shouldn't surprise you.
49. I love my major - industrial engineering.
50. My second cousin is an identical twin who has a set of identical twins and a set of fraternal twins.
51. The number one place I'd like to visit is Thailand. (woah, Jenni, that is so weird... maybe we should go together!)
52. I was a lifeguard one summer, and hated it even though I had wanted to be a lifeguard for about 10 years.
53. I did the best in my class on almost all of the simulators in drivers ed, including the stick shift one.
54. I know nothing about wine, and only what Vinnie has taught me about beer, which is enough to get by.
55. I was in a sorority with 100 girls.
56. I'm actually really shy, although most people don't believe that.
57. I love bike riding.
58. I don't like shopping with other people.
59. I spend hours at the library and bookstores. I got in trouble for staying up late at night to read when I was younger.
60. My parents just celebrated their 25 year wedding anniversary.
61. When I start dating someone, I tend to fall very hard and fast.
62. My favorite TV show of all time is Friends.
63. I love brain teasers.
64. I might get my MBA one day.
65. I'm probably much too reflective of a person.
66. My favorite dessert is cake.
67. I played the flute for 8 years and took private lessons. Since college I've played only a few times, except when I was in orchestra at church last year. My flute actually is in Oregon with me though.
68. I love skiing.
69. I hate Arizona. (Don't hate, Hart)
70. I think any city smaller than Chicago is too small... so much for Portland
71. I have 20-15 vision or something like that, but I wear glasses with just prisms in them for when my eyes get tired (I have some weird muscle thing that I don't really understand)
72. I have never had a cavity.
73. Chipotle is my favorite fast-food.
74. I have never been overseas, but I've been to Mexico several times and 3 Canadian provinces.
75. I love waterparks and amusement parks.
76. I like going for random drives.
77. The three food establishments I miss most: Panera, Steak & Shake, and Noodles.
78. I've been climbing and repelling thanks to gym class in high school.
79. I call one set of grandparents Mimi and Gaggy and the other Mommom and Poppy.
80. I sleep in a queen size bed.
81. I have two ear piercings in my left ear and one in my right.
82. I love water sports, but don't get to do them enough.
83. I would rather have the internet than cable or a dishwasher.
84. I really love cooking, but it's no fun to cook for yourself.
85. My current favorite three shows are ABC Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The OC, and 7th Heaven. WHAT? Seriously though, 7th Heaven is my new addiction. I don't even like TV that much but Tivo makes you watch more TV, and it's nice to chill for the hour or so I have between sleeping and work.
86. My favorite vacation of all time was to Yellowstone.
87. I really want to go on an Alaskan cruise.
88. I get my hair cut sporadically on a whim, never planned out ahead of time.
89. I love my birthday probably more than any holiday.
90. I would rather be cold than hot.
91. I'm very hardcore about God and what I like to call my "personal relationship with Jesus", but I can't stand the terms 'devout' or 'religion' (and even 'Christian' is questionable... too much negative connotation).
92. I've had my heart broken.
93. I started as a computer engineering major in college.
94. I tend to find happiness no matter what the circumstances, where I am, or who I'm with.
95. I was never grounded or given detention.
96. I have a good relationship with my parents and family.
97. I got waitlisted to Duke.
98. JetBlue is my favorite airline.
99. I loved my internship with UPS.
100. Vinnie and I broke up tonight. Way to sneak that in there, huh? But yes, I'm okay, blah blah blah... I'll be fine. It's a long story, and I'm sure I'll post it, or at least parts of it, tomorrow. It kind of came out of nowhere, neither of us expected it, but I'm not that surprised by it in a lot of ways. Again, I'll explain tomorrow.
For the record, this took about 40 minutes to do. But SO worth it. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed reading Jenni's and updating it for myself!
Friday, November 12, 2004
I'm not very consistent...
Go Cats... we MUST beat Michigan this week.
Vinnie worked from home yesterday (Wednesday) so that was cool. We just kind of chilled in the morning (he was working, seriously) and then met a co-worker of his for lunch at Olive Garden. Then I took my nap (HAVE to take a nap, so that I can be ready for work Wednesday night) while Vinnie worked. Then we had the most productive talk of our entire relationship before I went to work, so that was stellar. He told me all the things he doesn't like about me. ;-)
Not too much else going on... no amazing thoughts, nothing stellar really happening. Sleepy... and it's only 2 AM. I have a feeling it's going to be a long morning.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
The Kelly Weekend
Today I had a meeting at work in the morning, and then Kristie and I caught our usual Tuesday afternoon movie. Today was The Incredibles -- very cute. :-) I have yet to see a movie with Vin! Then we went to Wherehouse Music (didn't find anything of interest) and then to a few scrapbooking stores. We got a few things like stickers and paper. Then we went back to my house and made tea and scrapbooked for the rest of the afternoon and early evening. Tonight was the night I've been waiting for forever -- dinner with lots of cool people! This guy Doug that I work with and his wife Sheila, Camille (the makeup woman) and her husband Chris (who works same job but different shift, different factory), Kristie, me, Vin, and another guy that works Chris's shift all went to Old Chicago together! Goooood times. Poor Vin was sitting over with all of the girls until Sheila was nice enough to trade seats with him. He claims he had a good time after that. It was definitely very girl talk / guy talk all night, but that was okay. One of the cutest things I've seen in a long time was Doug going "hello wife" to Sheila after the end of the night (cause they sat apart all night) and just putting his arm around her. I'm used to goofball Doug for work so that was cute to see. Vin said later when I commented about it that "guys have to do stuff like that, make the wives happy and just pay attention to them a little bit at the end of the night if they haven't all night"... and I was like "oh, I'm so going to be a bad wife... I don't need that kind of stuff". But please, who am I kidding? I SO do. I didn't think at the time I did... I wasn't just making that up, but I do. Sometimes I like to set myself apart, but I'm such a typical girl. Vinnie really understands the male/female dynamic VERY well, in a very realistic way. And I'm sorry if you guys get sick of hearing about him. I'm kind of gaga about him, moreso than I ever was about Doug (in that cutesy annoying sort of way, but I don't really know what to do about it... we're very couply, which is partialy, and maybe mostly, his influence).
Kristie thinks I should break up with Vinnie until after Christmas, which I think is a great idea. My past 4 relationships have all started within 4 months of Christmas. UGH! Why do I do that? Why can't I wait until January? I HATE buying Christmas presents for guys. Luckily Addy has a pretty cute idea of something for Vinnie, so hopefully that will work out. As Vin says, Valentine's Day falls right after January though so you don't want to start dating then... good point, except we all know how I feel about Valentine's Day. NOT A FAN. Maybe I can just ignore all holidays except my birthday which I happen to think should be a national holiday. I LOVE my birthday. February 19th for those of you who forgot -- don't forget. :-) I like birthday lovin'! ;-)
So that's my story and my deal of the night. Vinnie had me psycho-analyze myself which was quite interesting. I'm pretty good at it (he said I couldn't and that's why he uses his ex-girlfriend's to psycho-analyze me). I told him some very interesting stuff about me and the control I like to have in my life even when it's not good for me. And he was suuuuper tired, and when he's tired he doesn't think or talk straight, so he was babbling on and on about how he's not ready to get married. Um, OKAY!!!
And I'll just leave you with that for the night.... 'cause I don't think there's anything of interest to report other than that. I can't wait until my sister gets her internet back, I need to talk to her online late at night. And my dad had a great job interview today so I pray that that will work out for him...
Monday, November 08, 2004
AWESOME weekend!!
Saturday Vinnie and I kind of got stuff done... he helped me put air in my tires and fix my computer and stuff. And then he went to get a haircut so I took a nap... and then we realized we were late to go to Harvey's downtown (a comedy club we were going to go to with some of his friends). So we kind of putzed around talking to Addy online (we were silly, sitting across from each other on the couch and talking online to the same person... dorks!!). But it was just one of those really good conversations. And we were in a chat room with her... but I know Add and Vin were talking to each other on the side too. They chat it up about me, no doubt. So then Vinnie and I were trying to decide where to go to dinner... and we talked about Chili's or Chevy's and then drove down to TV Highway to consider maybe a Mexican place down there or an Italian place that he likes... but then we were like "let's go downtown"... he wanted to go to this place called Pasta Bella that he'd been to when he was interning here about 3 years ago. So we went and had THE MOST ROMANTIC AMAZING EVENING EVER. Seriously. He asked me when the last time I had a romantic date was and I told him the first night I went out with him. But he asked about before that and I had nothing. Once I had a pretty nice evening with Julius, but it was after we had already broken up. And Dustin and I went out a few times and had decently nice evening, but it was nothing like this. It was just so so cute. I will spare you all of the details though... don't worry. And at the end we were talking to the owner of the restauraunt for like 15 minutes and she was like "well, you guys just make the cutest couple". So that was awesome. I was like glowing for the whole night. :-) :-)
Sunday we went hiking... it was supposed to be 9 - 3 but it was 9 - 5:30 and those extra two and a half hours make a difference!!! I was totally exhausted when we got home... ugh! And my stomach was bugging me on the way up (York I know you can relate on that one...) But it was AWESOME. We got to see Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, Mt. Jefferson, Mt. St Helens, 3 Sisters, etc. So worth the hike up there!!! :-) Totally cool. Then Vinnie and I were STARVING so we went to Red Robin, yum. I always love the Red Robin. He picks out the best places. Then we went back to his house and worked on decorating it... he says it needs a female touch, and I'm all for that. Super fun.
Since we didn't get back until 5:30 I missed church so I was way sad about that... I don't remember the last time I didn't go to church... I was like traumatized. So I had the most amazing quiet time ever, which clearly isn't the SAME as church but it was super good! I like how different things allow us to be close to God in different ways. And even though I have my quiet time every day, somehow sometimes it's just extra special. I've had a few like that lately. I am really enjoying where I am in my life right now and who I am and who I'm becoming. I'm smiling more than I've smiled in a long time and I'm just enjoying the day. Each day, for exactly what it is (and we all know that I'm the worst about planning and looking ahead and analyzing the past... so it's fun not to be doing that... as much. :-) )
This morning I slept in super late and so I'm just chilling and putzing around all day. Not true... I have fun plans with Kristie for the day, but you'll have to wait until I blog them later on. :-)

Kelly and Vin on South Fork Mountain

First of all, Vin would like to apologize that he doesn't know how to use his camera... he needs a point and shoot camera sometimes when he's being dumb. He's sorry for the noise in the picture and the darkness. He'll try harder next time. But to clarify, we are ON South Fork, but the mountain in the background is Mt. Hood. :-)
And yes I know I still owe all of you Halloween pictures. I need Vinnie to make me a CD. :-)
Thursday, November 04, 2004
p i d a t 42 0 (11:06:29 AM): is that like you?
p i d a t 42 0 (11:08:02 AM): Down the coast in Santa Monica, another place often referred to as a people's republic, the mood was no better. A man named Jerry Peace Activist Rubin sat in his stockings in his dark apartment, flummoxed and disoriented, taking condolence calls from well-wishers and rank-and-file left-wingers.
p i d a t 42 0 (11:08:22 AM): you used to travel often between these two cities
p i d a t 42 0 (11:08:52 AM): are you hiding in your dark apartment crying too?
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
More news on the home front...
Then tonight I went to a dinner party thing at my old bosses house, all of the women in my extended group at work were there, so that was awesome!!! I love hanging out with women, it's like my new favorite thing. As I get older I see much more of a different dynamic between women and men. I used to much prefer hanging out with men, now I see the advantages of hanging out with women and I absolutely adore it. Women will have the candles going and make you a cup of cider or offer you a glass of wine and watch Sex and the City with you. Men are great companions and confidants, but it's just different.
THEN... and this may be the best part of the day... I came home and saw two men (about 25ish?) walk into BatWOMAN'S house. Now, I've always just assumed that she was Batwoman because my mom said she once saw my next door neighbor and she was a woman. So now I don't know if there are two men and a woman or if they're her kids or husband or boyfriend(s?) or what to think. Maybe they're all roommates? They're definitely living in a two-bedroom apartment, whoever lives there. Maybe just the men live there. Or maybe they were just visiting. But they had a key I think. Anyway, WHACK. My mom and Vinnie joke now whenever I have to park far away that the Batmobile can take me to my parking spot. My mom has resorted to calling the far away parking lot "Batmobile territory". HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm so glad that I know Addy will be getting as much of a laugh out of this one as I am.
I don't really know if I have too much more gossip or rants and raves. I'm trying to get away from just listing out the events of my days, because we all know THAT'S no fun. So I'll report back soon when I have something of interest to say.
Oh, I know. Today was my parent's 25th wedding anniversary! So congratulations to them. :-) (and for the record, no, they don't read my blog!)
Monday, November 01, 2004
Today I went to the dentist who told me I had beautiful teeth... yay! I have been to the same dentist my WHOLE life so I was a little nervous (and he wasn't even that good)... but she was amazing! So that made me happy. Then I dropped off our ballots and went to the gas station. Then Kristie and I went shopping... we hit about 12 stores in 2 or 3 hours and tried stuff on in at least 6 and bought stuff in at least 7. Vin thinks we're awesomely fast. After that we went to Starbucks and then Barnes and Noble, then I went home and showered. Later we met up with Vinnie for some dinner at this great little sports bar he found for us. YUUUUUM. Good food. Vin and Kristie played Keno, that was super funny. Now Vinnie and I are being dorks.
So I sent HMG, JJ, and Brownlee an email with this huge update on my life and JJ IMed me tonight and told me I inspired them to have a little pow-wow on Friday. So that made me super happy!! I only wish I could be there with them but I can't wait to hear every word of what they talked about. It will be great. I miss those girls and GIV and GIV exec and all of it so much. Tear.
Now a rant, because I know at least Jenni approves of them. WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH ARBITRARY DATES? Like people who tell their daughters they can't wear makeup until they're 13 or date until they're 16. Why? What is so special about that? What's with people who won't get engaged until X number of years, or people who don't want to have kids until they're X years old? I'm just so anti. YES, I agree that you have to wait for things in life. But I'm more laid back I guess... a go with the flow kind of girl (my exes might not agree with that..hehehe). But for real, you may know you want to marry someone after 6 weeks (my parents), 6 months, or 6 years. Why not just let it be. (This is not at ALL a rant about anyone, just something that seems to come up in conversation a lot lately). So I just think people should let things be. Not just about getting engaged, although that seems to be the hot topic, but just about life. Maybe more on the arbitraty date thing tomorrow
Word of the day: jerk-a-saur-ous-rex. Referring to Addy's Halloween party guy. :-)
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Oh my....
Like I hear you guys want to know if Vinnie and I are serious... and consensious was not too much but it has the potential to be very good for a very long time. I agree with that. We just started dating, but we're pretty hardcore. We definitely hang out a lot... but I think a lot of that is the newness and also not having a whole lot of other friends here in Oregon. I'm sure we'll simmer down. (Addy says "get married and have kids")
My new phrase is so "_____in' it up". Like chattin' it up, sluttin' it up, flirtin' it up, etc.
So Addy and I definitely slutty hoed it up. We got all of our cute accessories and then got dressed and sexy. We took pictures, Vinnie is burning a CD for us right now so I will post one later today maybe. Or tomorrow. At any rate, we were definitely the hottest people at the party. No offense to everyone else involved, but with me in slutty ho nurse attire and Addy in slutty ho flapper dress... yeah. Everyone else was married, older, and not wearing cute costumes at ALL. A lot of people dressed as "grandmas"... added some pillows under their clothes and got a little bit. Yeah, the competition wasn't too steep. (Addy says "I don't even understand what she was supposed to be... what was she besides cottage cheese butt or something?")
So Addy and I were drinking a little... oh my. (Addy says "more than a little... a lot") And we were scoping out a guy for Addy to make out with. So we finally found someone... I won't give all of the details of Addy's life... but it was a shady shady night. So then the guy brought Addy back to my apartment and Vinnie and I came back. He ended up leaving a few hours later and then Addy, Vinnie, and I all slept in my bed together. Craziness. I know I know. It was crazy. Addy and I are like "NEVER AGAIN".
Now we're on our way to Chipotle... it's weird, there are two different things going on today. The typical "dress like a burrito, get a free burrito" for Halloween and the buy a burrito get a free one on election day. Can you get two free ones?
Okay we've returned from Chipotle... this year they didn't have "Boo-rito" which is their typical Halloween dress like a burrito get a free one. Sad. But I'm excited for Tuesday!!
So the woman who lives next to me has this floormat that says "THE BATCAVE: No Solicitors or Villians". HAHAHAHAHA I just started cracking up just writing that. I've lived here for 3 months and I STILL haven't stopped laughing about it. Vinnie thinks I'm retarded. (We're being dorks, lying on the living room floor next to each other both doing work... if you call blogging work, but he's writing patent applications... but we're using THREE computers. Only lame Intel people need THREE computers even during their personal time.) But seriously he thinks I'm ridiculous. Back to the story, the first time I saw that I just cracked up. And every time I see it I still crack up, and so does Addy. It's just funny. All we do is talk about Batwoman and we're rolling on the floor laughing, and I'm not even kidding. YAY Batwoman
Tomorrow I'm going to post about arbitrary dates. You'll see what I mean tomorrow. ;-)