Oh my, scandal! Blogging two weeks in a row. :-) I love it. So here's the lowdown on what's happened so far this weekend (cause the weekends are longer than the weeks, and who really cares what happened at work?).
Saturday I slept until 4:30 PM... I didn't MEAN to... I was on the phone for a few hours after work, and then I set my alarm for 12. I must have accidentally turned it OFF outright. Boo. Anyway, happily, I had told Addy to wake me up if I was still sleeping when she got home, so she did. I sort of rolled over in bed and of course my computer was in bed with me, and Vin was saying to get up and go to the BBQ joint in Northeast that we all love. Well THAT got me excited! So I got up and took a shower and put on some clothes, and Andy came to pick me up. Then we met Steve, Vin, and Mike down at Russell Street BBQ... but it was BURNED DOWN!!!! Boo. Okay, so not really burned down, but it had had a fire and is closed for a while until they make all of the repairs needed for the fire. It was definitely gutted. Boo to that. So then we decided to drive to Fremont since we were right over there, and we had dinner at a little cafe type place on Fremont. It was decent, but definitely NOT as good as BBQ. Oh well, live and learn. It was an experience anyway. Then I came back to see what Addy was doing, but she was gone (I found out later she was working out) so I chatted with Andy a while and then went to Vin's and had an actually really good chat. When I came home Addy was here so I chilled with her for a while. Good times, good times.
The next morning I woke up and went to MORNING church with Addy... you should all be so proud, she was. Haha. Yay for being up before 5 PM on a Sunday. Then Addy and I had a yummy lunch at Chili's and then went to the apartment to lay out. I got a lot of sun... probably the tannest I've been since Cabo. And I'm still so pale. I just don't care this summer, there has just been too much going on with the new house and crazy jobs and everything else! My skin will thank me when I'm 50. :-) So let's see, then I helped Vin with some stuff and then just kind of bummed around the rest of the night. Don't even remember what I did, but I know that Addy duped me into watching Brat Camp which is the WORST show ever. Tivo is a bad bad thing for that girl. Just kidding Adds. :-* Anyway, then we both went to bed at like 11 PM.
Monday morning I woke up around 10, and started hanging pictures and stuff around my house. Then Andy came over and worked from my house for the afternoon, so much fun! It was a fabulous day. Then we were supposed to go to Widmer but Amanda was being shifty again and Steve backed out, so Andy and I decided to go to Chevy's instead. I heart Chevy's. Then halfway through dinner the shifty girl calls and her family plans had actually been cancelled. So she got to come to dinner with us, yay! It was super fun. Then I get a call from Addy saying that our friend Dave, who's been in Russia for two years, is coming over and I better get home. YAY DAVE!!!!! So I go home and Addy is making cookies for work and we kind of tidy up the place a bit. Amanda was really tired so she went home, but Andy came over so Andy, Addy, Dave, and I all hung out for a couple of hours. So much fun. I heart those guys. Then I talked to Doug online (SURPRISINGLY good... very mushy actually. don't know what that's all about yet, but he's going to come visit in September. guarding the heart....) Anyway, Addy and I talked about Doug and boys and life and all sorts of goodness, then went to bed around midnight (though I made myself stay up reading until 2 so I could sleep late).
I woke up this morning about 12, so that was GREAT. Good girl. Now I can sleep until about 2 PM tomorrow, which is perfect for work. Today I went to the grocery store and got some sandwich stuff and dinner stuff. I've been on a sandwich kick lately, I'm enjoying it. I've been scrapbooking and organizing music most of the rest of the day. I'm thinking about going outside and talking to the neighbors, but I kinda want to wait until Adds gets home. We'll see. I also want to go for a run, but I'm waiting until it gets a little cooler outside for that. :-) Then Andy is going to come over and help me hang my shelves tonight, so that should be excellent. Don't know what else I have in store for tonight but perhaps I will inform you later on tonight. Or sometime during this week if I have time.
Only 10 more night shifts left until I go to my day job!!!!!