Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Good Morning! :)

Okay seriously every time I sign in to blogger it tries to get me to do the AdSense thing. But don't worry... I won't do that to you guys. ;-)

I know, it's been a while. I can't believe we're already on Wednesday!! When did I last post? Must have been Friday. Friday night Andy and I went out to Urban Fondue... yuuuum so good. Definitely had a really nice night, DESPITE the harder-than-usual Portland rain we encountered. Saturday I went to Wal-Mart as mentioned, then Fuddruckers (sp?) since we were down in the "Tigard part of town". Saturday night Andy cooked rack of lamb for me, Amanda, and Geoff... yuuuuuum! Very tasty. Then Amanda made an AWESOME AWESOME two layer / swirl cheesecake... Andy said "tastes like one of those things that you'd eat at a mom and pop little pastry sthop". Definitely yummy. And lots of wine, which was fun. Sunday morning I went to buy a new bed with Marie (for her not me) and then lunch at Chili's and then a quick stop to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Sunday evening was church with Andy and Charles, and then Andy and I went to Russell St. BBQ since it's open again!!! Woo hoo to that. Soooooo good. Then we watched the OC at his house... oh, how I heart the OC. Monday I didn't do ANYTHING after work!! I talked on the phone for about 3 hours, but other than that spent the whole night by myself. I was so proud. Tuesday night I went to the grocery store with Marie and then Red Robin.

Oh, and I went on this HORRIBLE run yesterday... I ran my normal path but it was killing me... my left shin was not playing nice! Maybe cause I haven't run in two weeks... :-) But I can't help it... I was recovering from climbing and then got SUPER busy. Need to making running a priority. But there have been walks and trips to the gym, so it's not *SO* bad. I was hoping to run again today but it's kinda rainy out, so it better clear up by around 4.

Lots of meetings today and tomorrow, but I like it cause the day goes by very quickly.

Addy -- you are too cute. I know you're busy with school and all of that fun stuff... I miss you too! The tickets to Chris came in the mail yesterday!!

Oh, and one more thing... pretty much all of the things I was complaining about the other day either were resolved or at least I stopped being so upset about them. Resolved, mostly, which is awesome!

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