Saturday, April 30, 2005


Wow, not too much to report. Spent last weekend on the mountain (Hood). Snow skills practice on Saturday, in the rain/hail/snow/wind. YUCK but so much fun. After that we went back to the Mazamas ( lodge and sat around the fire, had a great dinner, and then went to a pub in Government Camp for some beer and pool. I lost every game but had a GREAT time. Then we got back home around 11:00 and I stayed up until 12 or so talking, then woke up the next morning at 6 for the hike. If you go to and look at the trail map, we climbed to about 200 ft above the top of the highest ski lift, so it was a decent trek. One day I WILL climb to the top of that mountain! :-) Anyway it was an AWESOME weekend, except for about the last 1000 ft down when my knee was KILLING me. I was soooo slow which was sad. The next day in my Mazamas class I was still hurting, and everyone could see because I was favoring one leg. A friend who is a physical therapist in my group took a look at it and recommended icing it, some stretches, and orthoidics. So I need to look into that.

Then I worked all day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, plus my regular nights... it's been a long week. :-) I'm definitely looking forward to a (short) 3 day weekend coming up. Just 15 more hours of work left for the week!

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