Sunday, October 31, 2004

Oh my....

First of all, I've been enlightened on my readership levels. I found that not only does Jenni read it... Addy, Heather, Grant, Brian, Marie, and Dana all read it too! Oh and I know Brownlee reads it! WAY TO GO GUYS. I hear you were chattin' it up about me and the blog last night. Good times... so wish I had been in Chicago. But I will come sometime and hopefully we'll all hang out. Oh and if you SLACKERS would post comments I would give you more information on what you want to know.

Like I hear you guys want to know if Vinnie and I are serious... and consensious was not too much but it has the potential to be very good for a very long time. I agree with that. We just started dating, but we're pretty hardcore. We definitely hang out a lot... but I think a lot of that is the newness and also not having a whole lot of other friends here in Oregon. I'm sure we'll simmer down. (Addy says "get married and have kids")

My new phrase is so "_____in' it up". Like chattin' it up, sluttin' it up, flirtin' it up, etc.

So Addy and I definitely slutty hoed it up. We got all of our cute accessories and then got dressed and sexy. We took pictures, Vinnie is burning a CD for us right now so I will post one later today maybe. Or tomorrow. At any rate, we were definitely the hottest people at the party. No offense to everyone else involved, but with me in slutty ho nurse attire and Addy in slutty ho flapper dress... yeah. Everyone else was married, older, and not wearing cute costumes at ALL. A lot of people dressed as "grandmas"... added some pillows under their clothes and got a little bit. Yeah, the competition wasn't too steep. (Addy says "I don't even understand what she was supposed to be... what was she besides cottage cheese butt or something?")

So Addy and I were drinking a little... oh my. (Addy says "more than a little... a lot") And we were scoping out a guy for Addy to make out with. So we finally found someone... I won't give all of the details of Addy's life... but it was a shady shady night. So then the guy brought Addy back to my apartment and Vinnie and I came back. He ended up leaving a few hours later and then Addy, Vinnie, and I all slept in my bed together. Craziness. I know I know. It was crazy. Addy and I are like "NEVER AGAIN".

Now we're on our way to Chipotle... it's weird, there are two different things going on today. The typical "dress like a burrito, get a free burrito" for Halloween and the buy a burrito get a free one on election day. Can you get two free ones?

Okay we've returned from Chipotle... this year they didn't have "Boo-rito" which is their typical Halloween dress like a burrito get a free one. Sad. But I'm excited for Tuesday!!

So the woman who lives next to me has this floormat that says "THE BATCAVE: No Solicitors or Villians". HAHAHAHAHA I just started cracking up just writing that. I've lived here for 3 months and I STILL haven't stopped laughing about it. Vinnie thinks I'm retarded. (We're being dorks, lying on the living room floor next to each other both doing work... if you call blogging work, but he's writing patent applications... but we're using THREE computers. Only lame Intel people need THREE computers even during their personal time.) But seriously he thinks I'm ridiculous. Back to the story, the first time I saw that I just cracked up. And every time I see it I still crack up, and so does Addy. It's just funny. All we do is talk about Batwoman and we're rolling on the floor laughing, and I'm not even kidding. YAY Batwoman

Tomorrow I'm going to post about arbitrary dates. You'll see what I mean tomorrow. ;-)

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Halloween and Chris Tomlin!!

Okay, I forgot I made my blog pink... what do you think? Too much? I kinda think it is. Let me know.

So Thursday I worked... met Vin for dinner at Old Chicago, that's about it though.

FRIDAY was the best day ever!!! I slept until about 2, then went with Vin to get a Halloween costume for him. Then we waited at my apartment for Addy to come. When Addy got here, we went to go see Casting Crowns, CHRIS TOMLIN, and Steven Curtis Chapman downtown at the Rose Garden. SOOOOOOO amazing. :-) Such good times. I heart the Chris and it was just a totally amazing night. I need to stop being all about Chris, but I get all excited whenever he has a new CD out or when I get to go see him live. He's GREAT live. Sooooo much fun. Then Addy and I acted like such roomies... we were on my living room floor side by side, both on laptops just being super cute. And we tried on our Halloween costumes and she practiced my makeup. She's SO GOOD at makeup! YAY!

Today we went on a million secret little shopping missions... getting our last minute "slutty ho" Halloween stuff. We should be good to go for tonight. I'm SO EXCITED for our Halloween party. I will definitely post pictures tomorrow or later this week... Vinnie promises to take them of me and Adds... YAY! :) Good times. Time to go get dressed...

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Tuesday... Tuesday I attempted to get done the rest of the stuff that I didn't get done before book club Monday. I went and got new ballots for me and Vinnie (we both screwed ours up), got a Halloween costume for the party this weekend, worked out, went grocery shopping, etc. GREAT day. It's the kind of day that makes me appreciate having Monday and Tuesday off, they're just such productive days! Then I went over to Vinnie's and he made me a fabulous dinner and we had a wonderful bottle of wine. Yummy. We also went through our ballots together (Oregon has vote by mail ONLY, that's why all of this ridiculous voting business is going on). We talked through all of the issues (like local Oregon measures) and people. We didn't always vote the same but it was good to have someone to talk through them with. Really really fun night.

Wednesday... Woke up, waited for the cable guy who was supposed to come between 10 and 12. Of course he didn't come, so I ended up waiting for him for an extra hour (the hour I was SUPPOSED to be working out) and then went to bed for my afternoon nap before shift. That is so irritating. Now I'll have to call and reschedule and all of that annoyingness. Then I couldn't fall asleep because I actually got a really good night's sleep last night, but I just made myself lie in bed and I got a couple of hours at least. This may become a very hard night in about 2 or 3 hours. Hopefully I'll go downstairs and get coffee with Kristie around 2 AM.

As far as my whole "becoming an adult" thing... I'm still thinking about it, because sometimes I do feel very much like a kid still. But I'm definitely enjoying an adult relationship!

Monday, October 25, 2004

Meeting the mom...

FIRST, a huge shout-out is owed to Jenni, without whom I wouldn't be so inspired to write. She is a far greater reader than I am a writer and I am so glad that she is there, listening and responding to everything I'm writing.

So this weekend was pretty fun!!

Saturday: Woke up sort of lateish as always, kinda just chilled most of the day. Got a Halloween costume because I decided I was going to a Halloween party that night. Went to Widmer, which was this AMAZING brewery downtown, with Vinnie and his mom. Had the 14 beer sampler... oh my! But at least now I have a great basis for what types of beer I like and don't like. Yay for me! I was so proud. Meeting the mom was great. I was a huge fan of her. Then we went to the Krispy Kreme... yum. Then we went back to Vinnie's house and talked for a while, then I went to the Halloweeen party with Kristie! Had a LOT of fun and met a lot of cool people that work the same hours as me, so that was really nice. Got very inspired for my Halloween party this weekend with Vinnie and Addy!!!!

Sunday: Woke up around 10, hung around the house until 3 when Kristie and I went to get my car (someone else drove us home the night before, definitely a smart choice). Then at 5 I went to church all by my lonesome. :( Then I gave Vinnie and his mom a tour of my building (work), since I told them I would the night before. Then we went to dinner at Red Robin... yum again. I love eating out. I talked to Sarah on the phone for about an hour and a half Sunday and a fair amount of that time was spent talking about food. We are admittedly a little ridiculous, and yet fun. :-)

Monday: Woke up at 7:00 when Vinnie called my cell phone. I was like "what, who's calling me in the middle of the night?!" "wait a minute, it's 7:00, maybe I'm late for work" "wait it's 7 AM and Monday" "wait do I have a meeting?!" "wait it's VINNIE calling!!". Hahaha... anyway, he took his mom to the airport so then after that he came by and just hung out with me for a few hours before work since he was up so early anyway... so sweet! :-) So then when he went to work I became PRODUCTIVE!!! From like 10 - 12:30 I did laundry, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom and kitchen, had quiet time, hung some pictures, talked to Russ, went through my mail, and did some other stuff. From 12:30 - 2 I read the book for book club tonight. Then from 2 - 4 I went shopping with Kristie, but it was a very unsuccessful shopping trip unfortunately. :( So from 4 - 6 I'm supposed to be reading (although I'm blogging and talking online...) and then we're going to book club. After book club I'm hanging out with Vinnie cause I haven't had any really quality time with him in 2 weeks!!! Tomorrow night we are making dinner together, I'm REALLY excited for that. And I already have a list of stuff I need to do tomorrow... I don't know what I'd do with a weekend that was less than 4 days long! I'd never get anything done!! ;-)

FOUR MORE DAYS 'TIL ADDY COMES AND WE GO SEE CHRIS TOMLIN!!!!!!!!!! :-) Yay for the two loves of my life!

It's an interesting thing, transitioning into the life of an adult. I am starting to make better use of my time... enjoying cooking, reading, going to a book club, things like that. Just something I'm thinking about... maybe I'll ponder that and write some more about it soon.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Back to work

Well, Wednesdays always bring work for me. :-) Not that I'm complaining... by the time Wednesday night rolls around and I've had a 3 or 4 day weekend already, I'm sooooo ready to go back to work. I get bored with those weekends. If I worked the front half of the week instead of the back half, I might never take a day off! Anyway though, so Vinnie stopped by last night and we had the most AMAZING talk ever. He'd said something a few days ago that had kind of been bothering me and last night he was like "yeah, no, I was totally wrong". So that was cool... just made me feel better.

This morning I woke up at 9 AM and couldn't go back to sleep and had all of this energy, so I went downstairs and went on the elliptical for a while. I'd much rather run outside but it's not as easy as it was in Evanston. So then I pretty much just had a chill day... got a surprising amount of stuff done, like cleaning and organizing and stuff. Still have a lot to do. Next Monday and Tuesday are going to be hardcore work days... getting lots done around the house. The highlight of the day was the most amazing conversation I had with Addy. It was one of those times when you know that God is using a conversation that you're having with someone to tell you something. In this case it was something I've been trying to figure out for about a month so I was THRILLED!! Good news and happiness all over the place. So yeah, that was good.

Not too much else to report... working during the day tomorrow. I'll holla soon.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Let's see, where did I leave off?

Alright here's the lo-down peeps:

Thursday: Worked. :) Had a meeting for a social club that I'm the social chair of, that's about it.

Friday: Worked. :) Had a zillion 1:1 meetings with people I work with.

Saturday: Worked. :) This was a fun night because my co-workers gave me a hard time for about 2 hours about me being a player. They think it is illicit dating multiple guys at once... but I figure I'm only young once! And I'm not really dating multiple guys at once. But all of these other things kept happening and coming up (like the lunch guy hitting on me, which is nothing new, he does it every night, but this was the first time they saw it) so they were just having a grand old time. It was quite amusing. So now I'm the group player... SO AMUSING! The other fun thing about Saturday was that I went to my friend Lisa's baby shower. It was my first baby shower and was SO much fun! The most amusing thing was that one of the games was guess the baby food... EW!!! The people with kids were obviously way better, and this one woman (Keith you know her... Holly, that amazing singer from Sunset!!) was SO GOOD!! She even realized the apple was actually DUTCH apple, meaning it has cinnamon unlike the regular apple. She got 2 points for that one and ended up winning the game. I personally got two out of 7 right... apple and carrot. They had like sweet potatoes, beef and vegetable, and who knows what else. DUDE, and you could look, smell, and TASTE to figure out what each thing was. AHHH. I'm never having kids!! Although for the record, that baby shower made me REALLY want to have a baby... for about 12 hours after that. Then, I came back to my senses. :)

Sunday: Scandalously slept until 2:30 PM. Good times. Then I went to church with Andrew at 5. He was a big fan of Sunset and we're going back next week! YAY! I have an official church-going partner now. WOO HOO!!! I'm not such a fan of going to church alone (hence the big ole' Vineyard carpool) so this is so great for me. I can hardly wait 'til next Sunday!!!

Monday: Slept until about 7:30 AM... this may seem early but I fell asleep around 11 on Sunday night so I had plenty of sleep. My partner-in-crime, Kristie, also told me she woke up around 6 or 7ish too... when you work weird hours you just sleep when you can sleep. There have been times before when I fell asleep around 8 PM, woke up around 2 AM, and was just awake for the rest of the night. Luckily I'm on a slightly more normal schedule this week, although I definitely am going to bed and waking up early. So I had lunch at a nearby Thai place with Vinnie (I went and met him at his cube at work) and then went shopping with Kristie and then we saw a movie. After that it was one of the first cold and rainy nights of the year so we both went back home and took naps and then just sat around our respective apartments and watched movies and stuff. I was going to go to HOAG but I slept through it unfortunately. I ended up falling asleep again early (it was funny because Vinnie called and woke me up and I remember really wanting to talk to him so I wouldn't get off the phone but I said absolutely nothing constructive. I asked him about it today and he said that yes I definitely was being an idiot). Oh and actually Vinnie stopped by on his way from work last night, that was cool because it had definitely been a while since I had seen him (at least other than that brief lunch).

Tuesday: Had lunch with Vinnie again... ridiculous. Fun though!! Went to Quizno's today. Yummy. Then wasted the entire afternoon talking to people online... grrrrr. Vinnie got his hair cut today so he stopped by for about 5 minutes just to show it to me -- HUGE fan!! So that was cool. Other than that I've literally been a pile the whole day. Oh I blew up the blue ball... Erin and Dena will get that joke. So that wasn't completely pile-ish.

Now I'm talking to Vinnie, Christine, and Christine's brand new boyfriend online. It's quite good times. So I think that's all. At least that's all for now. I start work again tomorrow so I'm sure I'll think of something to write then. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Yay yay. :)

Sooooooo, it was a super fun weekend, which was to be expected! Saturday I chilled with Vinnie... didn't get much sleep which was unfortunate, but what can you do? We ate a wonderful (very filling) brunch at Hale's, which the lovely Keith Prickett introduced me to last year. Then we met up with some friends and went downtown to Barracuda, allowing me to take advantage of my Saturday night off. We were starving after that so we went to Wendy's on the way back... the crowd couldn't take another night at Montage. I don't think they'll ever let Vinnie live that down (he took the blame for Montage, a great cafe in Portland, being so far away after a late night out a few weeks ago).

Sunday I went to church and lunch with Andrew, his friend Robbie, and his girlfriend Summer. It was so funny because I saw my manager from my internship just randomly sitting in the row right in front of me at church! So totally unexpected, but I wasn't at my church so it somewhat made sense. Sunday night I had dinner with Vinnie at Chipotle.

Monday I had lunch with Vinnie at PF Changs, which just opened about 2 blocks away from my apartment about a week ago. Super yummy, but that was to be expected. I then took a super-long nap that afternoon and got a surprising amount of work done around the house. He came over later that night and did some work while I did some scrapbooking, and then we got Chipotle and had a late dinner.

Tuesday I had coffee with my friend Sara in the morning, which was really nice because I hadn't seen her in almost a year! We took a lovely walk around this little park and lake area, it was a gorgeous day out and was just fabulous. So much fun! Then I had lunch ALONE, yay for me. :-) I was so proud. I was also thrilled because I've been eating out SO MUCH lately, ugh. That's why dating is so not fun! I mean, it's fun, but it's just not good! Then of course I had to take my nap... only 40 minutes, I was so proud. I had to be at work at 8:30 AM Wednesday so I knew I couldn't take my typical 4 hour nap. Then I went over to HOAG (Hang Out at Geoff's) for my typical Tuesday evening fun. We got some food from a Teryaki place.

Today I worked from 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM, then I'm working tonight from 12 AM - 7 AM. I know, I have weird hours. I actually met Vinnie for lunch because I was working in his building, and my whole team met him as well. They gave him such a hard time... poor guy! Doug was like "hi I'm Doug Robinson, Kelly's older brother... what are your intentions with my sister?" SUPER funny. After work I stopped by Vinnie's cube to check it out, it was fun and his group kept coming in and being like "Hey Kelly, what's up?". Apparently I've come up in group meetings over there too.

So I know I've seen Vinnie a COMPLETELY excessive amount, but you'll all be pleased to know that his mom is in town for the next 12 days so I won't be seeing him which is nice. Unfortunately this is my long week at work so I have to work Saturday night, but that's okay. I plan on using my weekend really well this week and getting a lot of stuff done. And this is a short night at work so there's only 3 nights left after this, YAY! Plus I have a baby-shower on Saturday and that will be lots of fun.

I think that's all for now... more juicy gossip to come later! :-D

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Too much to tell

THE FUNNIEST THING EVER JUST HAPPENED! I heart the night shift. So this one woman on our shift is AMAZING and buys huge bags of candy from Costco for us all the time. She went on sabbatical and so she bought us a ton of extra to get us through the whole time. She locked it up in a file drawer and told one guy the combo so that we could get to it. Since then he’s been doling it out about once a night, and things have been going smoothly. PROBLEM: He’s gone tonight, and he didn’t tell anyone the combo so that we could get to it. There are only 4 of us here tonight, so earlier one of the guys was lurking around looking for candy in other cubes since we can’t get in there. Then about 30 minutes ago the other guy was in her cube trying to get in there and asking us the combo. We didn’t know it, so we were trying to think about going through all of the numbers to get to it, or calling security to cut the lock, or calling the guy on vacation or SOMETHING. It was a dire situation... it was 3 AM and we were running low on fuel. And clearly we didn’t want to resort to the vending machines (that would be too easy!). So one guy is playing with the drawer and realizes that you can kind of wedge it open a little bit, so he’s sort of doing that. He’s like “I need someone with a little hand and a lot of trust”. Clearly, that’s me. So I pull out the bag of Twix – problem… only 2 are left! He’s like “we’re going back”. We get like an eraser and stick it in there, and my hand is little enough to put in there to get things out. So we get a ton of good stuff (this all took a lot longer, because for a while the other guy was trying to reach in there because he has longer fingers, but I could fit my WHOLE hand in and he couldn’t). We took a lot of “loot” and left a bunch… just freaking hysterical. And we had to be quiet because we didn’t want our employees to think we were NUTS. But it was definitely a good time. Once again – I heart the night shift. Oh, and for the record, we DO actually get work done around here. :-)

On the guy front... I've seen the one guy every night this week. Twice tonight, for dinner and then coffee during my lunch break. And we basically have the whole day planned together tomorrow... intense I know, but I guess we're both intense people. BUT, the other guy is sort of back in the picture now so I don't know. I just don't know what I want and I don't even want to decide. So I'm going to hold off on the updates for a while... at least in as much detail. I'll keep you up to date though, not to worry. I'll just include more fun updates like the candy situation. ;-)

Friday, October 08, 2004

This is getting excessive

So, since I worked so late yesterday I didn't come in until about 10 tonight. Which means I woke up at 7 and called Vinnie, who happened to not have had dinner yet. So we met up at Chipotle for dinner -- YUM. I heart the Chipotle, obviously. It's a little insane because we weren't supposed to see each other Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday but it's just sort of happened. So we discussed that we will HAVE to see each other Friday out of principle, because you can't just see each other 6 days out of the week... if you're gonna do it, you might as well do it right. So we're having an early dinner tomorrow night. Then Saturday is our "hot date" night. ;-) And something tells me I may see him a few times on the Kelly weekend as well. His mom is coming into town next Wednesday for like 10 days, so I won't see him for a while in that timeframe. But we do have a lunch date next Wednesday because I'll be over in his building.

YES, I realize that we cannot see each other every day. It's kind of one of those "this is new and we want to see each other as much as possible because it's still exciting" kind of things. It will die down. Might as well enjoy it while I can, right? And I'm still not committed... just kind of seeing what's happening. That's how I feel about it anyway. But I definitely really like this dude.

Only 18 more hours of work until the weekend... woo hoo! I can't wait. :) Thank goodness this is a short week because I'm all about having fun this weekend.

Nothing else super exciting going on. More updates soon though! The feedback I've been getting on these have been good so I figure I might as well just keep updating even if I'm just talking about all of this dating nonsense. Maybe it's not the greatest thing to share with the whole world, but as long as I'm not committed I'm not too scared about it. :)

Thursday, October 07, 2004


So here is the craziness that has occurred since Monday -- I've seen Vinnie every day! It's SO weird, I know, and one would think that'd we'd be sooooooo sick of each other by now, but things are just going really really well. Monday I had to watch Kendra's husband's brother (as I think I mentioned), but then I went over to Vinnie's to watch Alias with him. SUPER fun. Tuesday I was supposed to have my Bible study kickoff (again, I think I mentioned that), but no one else ended up being able to go so I just scheduled a coffee date for next week with Sara. That freed up my night to spend with Vinnie... so we went out to Chili's (YUM!) and then for an amazing walk in a local park. Then we sat on the swings forever and just talked for an hour or so. He pushed me on the swings which I found incredibly cute. He had a presentation to give the next day, so we swung by his house and grabbed his laptop, then went to my apartment and just sat next to each other, him doing work and me writing in my journal. We turned off all the lights and just had candles lighting the room, it was adorable. Then we just sat there talking. He's just so super cute! It was definitely hard to say goodbye to him that night, since I knew I wouldn't see him until Saturday.

Or so I thought. We ended up talking online while I was at work around 10:00 Wednesday night, and he was like "what are you doing?" I was just checking email and going to lunch around 11, so he stopped by and I showed him my cube and stuff, and then we went out for a late night coffee date. Afterwards, my co-workers TOTALLY gave me a hard time about him! They were soooo funny. I walked into my meeting after lunch and they’re like “where were you during lunch?!” “way to grace us with your presence!” And I was like “sorry, I had a coffee date”. Then they were all “Date, what? Date?!” So they asked who Vinnie was and explained he is a guy that worked in JF (another campus)… I’m afraid he'll now forever be called “JF boy”. They asked how we met, and I said we met at an RCG (Recent College Grad) thing a few weeks ago and then he asked me out, so we went out Sunday… and Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday. So then they were like “um, does he really work in JF or just sit there during the day so that he can plan taking you out on dates at night?” Then one guy was like “dude, this is great – pool both of your incomes now and you can retire and sail around the world by the time you’re 26!” Then they told me they’re going to start up a pool on when we’re getting engaged – the big debate is if they should do it by month and year or month and day. Another co-worker has already called him “Kelly’s new boyfriend” which I found rather amusing. The third guy was like “you HAVE to bring him in… we have to tell you if he’s good enough for you. Plus, you know that if he can tolerate us that he’s the right one… we did that for Brett and now he’s engaged!” Then the first guy was like “are you seriously working until 11 tomorrow morning? You should have come in later tonight… now you’re going to need JF boy to page you all morning to keep you awake for training!” In case you can’t tell, I have THE most sarcastic team ever. I made the mistake of telling them Vinnie and I are meeting for lunch Wednesday (when I have a meeting over in his building) and the third guy was like “OH GOOD, now we know when we get to meet him!!” So now he has to meet the team sometime. It’s almost like meeting the fam.

So yeah... I'm definitely having fun. Don't know if I'll see him Thursday and Friday (I'm ASSUMING not), but we have a hot date planned for Saturday after I wake up. ;-) And it wouldn't be so weird to see each other 4 days in a row if they weren't the FIRST 4 days we'd ever gone out together... so strange! But something is just working, and we're not sick of each other yet.

So I'm on hour 10 of a 16 hour shift... almost 2/3 done! Then I'm only working about 8 hours tomorrow night, which will be awesome. Friday's normal 12 hour shift rounds out my short week and I get my nice long 4 day weekend! Woo hoo! More soon... and I promise not so many ooey-gooey details next time. ;-)

Monday, October 04, 2004

More gossip

So the date yesterday happened, and it was SURPRISINGLY great. We went downtown for dinner to a wonderful restauraunt called the Tuscany Grill that I absolutely adored. It was a great little Italian place in Northwest Portland, which I also adore because it's really kind of the trendy fun area of Portland. If I end up buying a house in downtown Portland rather than the suburbs, it will deifnitely be in Northwest. So we had a great dinner and a bottle of red wine, and had a wonderful conversation and laughs. It was super fun to have a real date -- Northwestern is really not down with the actual dates, so it's new and exciting! We went back to my apartment and talked after that. Fun night.

Tonight, I have a "date" I guess at 4:30 PM with a guy that works the same shift as me but in a different factory. We're just going for a walk in a local park, so that will be cool. I have much lower expectations than I did for last night, although I can't say that I had very high expectations for that one either, so we'll see. Hopefully I'll see the guy from last night again sometime this week too... I have a feeling that that's very likely.

After that tonight I am babysitting for Kendra's husband's brother that they're watching for a few months. He's a pretty fun kid so that should be okay. That's from about 7 - 10 so who knows what will happen after 10. Tomorrow is up in the air (and hopefully I'll be at least a little productive) but I also have my Bible study's first meeting of the fall tomorrow at 7. YAY because I miss those girls!!! So I'm busy from 7 - 9 tomorrow, so we'll see.

So much excitement going on!!! More soon I'm sure as the story unravels even more.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Hey peeps

Well first of all, GO CATS!!! Can you BELIEVE we won tonight? I'm super excited. For those NOT in the know, Northwestern beat Ohio State 33 - 27 for the first time in 33 years. Doesn't that little 33 just fit so nicely there? So that was just really exciting for Wildcat football fans across the globe. Too bad I wasn't in Evanston to see it.

So it's been a good night at work... I took a class and learned a lot, and next time I get to co-teach the same class. Eventually I will be a full-blown instructor for the course! I also spent some time kind of goofing off, but it's hard to get a whole lot done on a Saturday night. I know that's bad but I place a lot of merit in the value of getting to know my co-workers too. So it's been a good night at work. Definitely have been having fun in my 2nd Saturday at work.

I also decorated my cube tonight... the pictures that I ordered from ofoto on Wednesday came in today, and I ordered a lot of doubles (for scrapbooking and decorating) so I put those up to make my cube a happy place. It DEFINITELY is much happier than it was before! Just feels more like mine. I didn't have any pictures up for my whole internship so I'm glad I got on that. Chances are if you're reading this there is now a picture of you up in my cube -- exceptions are Jenni and Ryan. And that is only because I haven't seen either of you since May, and all of these pictures areMay and beyond. I do have pictures of both of you from January though, so maybe I should get some copies of pre-May pictures made that I can put up in my cube. I have a feeling I'm going to have to bite my tongue on saying that about pictures in my cube, cause I just realized there is no picture of my Rooms or McCracken in here either. :-( I really need to get doubles of some more pictures!! In the next order I will, because that would just vastly improve the quality of my cube. The problem is that I only order pictures about once every 6 months, so I will have to make a note to remember that in my next order.

Okay, anyway, after that debacle... on to the real news. I think I have TWO dates this weekend, and the crazy thing is they are with two different guys. The one I'm not sure about is on Sunday... the Sunday guy wanted to do something Monday or Tuesday evening, and I already have plans for both of those evenings (not dates!). So I emailed him about possibly Sunday, although I'm going to church with another guy and his friend and his girlfriend. So it would have to be before or after that, but I invited him to come to church with us if he wants to. The Monday date is at 4:30 PM and it's rather chill -- just a walk in the park. The Sunday guy wanted to go downtown for dinner and maybe something like pool. For the record, these are both people from work. So it should be a fun "Kelly weekend" as Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday are now called. I'll of course keep you updated on that one. Hopefully this weekend will NOT involve any alcohol, and as it looks now it won't, which makes me happy.

Not all that much else going on, I'm looking forward to getting home and getting to bed in a couple of hours. It's been a long week! Hopefully I'll only sleep about 5 hours so that I'll be able to switch back to my sleeping nights... but we'll see. OH I just realized TODAY is Sunday and I could potentially have a date in like 8 hours. Wow.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Oh, my...

So much has been going on! It's craziness folks, I tell ya.

So Mt. St. Helens blew its top today... it was pretty minimal though, so we're good for now. When I first heard it could blow I asked some people at work what happens, and they said it sort of stinks. You're not supposed to drive, because it gets in your car and gets it all yucky. I guess that you have to get up on your house and like snow shovel it off too, otherwise your roof collapses. And you have to hose off your street and driveway. And they open fire hydrants at work so people can hose off their cars, because the windshield wipers won't even move. Nuts dude!! But Jake is fine and nothing serious has happened so far. They say it could blow again so I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Good times for sure!

Here's the *BIG NEWS* -- Doug and I officially broke up. This happened actually almost 2 months ago, but so much has been up in the air and just generally happening since then that I didn't really announce it until now. I went to LA for Labor Day (post break-up) and it was nice to see him, but we've both been insanely busy since then and hadn't talked much until this week. We had a great phone conversation today, talked about what went wrong and how we let it go wrong. I know some of you are probably quite surprised by this, some of you probably aren't at all. I am sort of in between... the last 6 or so months with him has been a little bit of a rollar coaster (and I KNOW that people like Rooms knows this), but there were some things that were great. All in all though... I'm very happy. Oh, and for those of you wondering who broke up with who -- I broke up with him, but because I knew that he wouldn't be able to break up with me. So it was VERY mutual. He has a hot date with some girl to Disneyland this weekend so I'm really happy for him. It's nice that we can be such good friends. He's amazing.

Ironic note -- it was almost exactly a year ago that Doug and I started dating -- It was October 3rd by date, but it was this Friday (tonight) by time. Right about this time (9 PM) I was seeing my beloved Mr. Chris Tomlin at the Passion Experience Tour Fall 2003 (along with my dear friends Keith and Rachel), but in about an hour I would have been headed back to Portland to meet Doug who was driving down from Seattle. Insanity I tell you. I definitely wish I could be seeing Chris Tomlin right now rather than be at work, but the good news is that he will be in town in about 3 weeks!!!!!! YAAAAAAY!

So I've been enjoying my newfound "single life" in crazy ways... I've actually been going out. I kid you not, you would all be SHOCKED by some of my insane choices in the past few weeks. But I've been having fun for the most part. Last Friday I went downtown and stayed out until 4 AM... it was a super fun night. The week before that we went to a club downtown... I really enjoy dancing. It's really a toss up if bars or clubs are more fun. I think bars but clubs have their place every now and then. I've also gone to Portland City Grill (this amazing bar/restauraunt on the 30th floor of a building downtown) for Happy Hour a few times -- I LOVE that place. Sometimes it's stellar not working Mondays and Tuesdays, especially when you have other S6 friends you can hang out with. If you come to Portland I promise to take you there.

This weekend marks the second weekend in 7 weeks that I'll be working Saturday night (not bad for someone who is supposed to work Saturday night every other week). So that's fine, I need to recover still from last weekend. Sunday I may go to tango lessons downtown and then I'm going to church with a new friend of mine and some friends of his, and then maybe this other woman I know from work. Not sure yet, that's kind of up in the air. Monday I'm watching Kendra's husband's little brother and maybe meeting up with this person I met on Craigslist. Tuesday my Bible study is finally starting up again so I'm very much looking forward to that. Hopefully Monday and Tuesday I will get some chores done!! I've really been slacking on actually getting stuff done around the house, so I need to get on that. I can't believe it's OCTOBER already.

Yeah, I don't even know what else to talk about, I've been so overwhelmed with all of the craziness lately. I've joined a book club, so that's super fun. The first book was really easy and enjoyable, this book is much more intense. I'm having a hard time getting into it, but maybe I'll be able to do a better job this weekend. I also have been trying to do a lot of scrapbooking, which is going okay. I really just need a weekend WITHOUT plans where I can be hardcore about staying in my apartment and getting stuff done -- yeah right, like that's ever going to happen with me. Maybe I can just make better use of my time when I do have hours by myself. During my work week, I tend to get up, talk to a few people online, read email, watch whatever I Tivoed the night before, eat dinner, and then go to work. So I'm usually not getting much done then. Maybe I can be better about that and start making use of at least 30 minutes of that time. We'll see.

That's all for now... nothing to rant about or anything lately, but I'm sure I'll think of some stuff soon!